Neko Inu Global

Welcome to the latest Play to Earn Game where you can earn passive income easily & daily!

*Important* This sharing is not a financial advice to you and I am just a normal player with no affiliation to Neko Inu Global. Responsibility is yours & play at your minimal risk!

What is Neko-Inu Global?

This gaming platform was launched in April 2021 and players can own a virtual pet by purchasing a pet using USDT to earn daily passive income. Neko & Inu Corporation is a global joint venture between a Hong Kong consortium and casino in Cambodia with the support of an international digital platform, Lemon Game. It is a Player to Player (P to P) gaming platform that provides interaction within the gaming community and in
the future, we aim to form a full gaming eco-system ensuring all players to have an enjoyable and yet beneficial game.

The company aims to have a full gaming Eco-system to allow players to enjoy and at the same time, earning some income. This could be the next largest blockchain game like Axie Infinity 🙂 

The objective of the company is to achieve a global active user of 5 million by the year 2022. Collating data base for future gaming business expansion, evolving the gaming industry, launching of tokens and other future exciting

Game Mechanism

It is an interactive player to player game in which your trading (Buy/Sell) of pet is between active players.

What are the earnings/profits?

You can earn up as much to 100USDT or Guarantee 6% interest per day on any pet value you purchase in game!! The game is currently using cryptocurrency USDT, a stablecoin that has the equivalent value to US dollar. This means for every 1 USDT in game, you are actually earning 1 USD. One can imagine the amount of passive income you can earn in a month with just few simple steps to play. There is no need to worry on the USDT value fluctuation since it is tagged onto the equivalent amount of US dollar unlike most of the crypto games available. Let’s begin with the guide below.

Website Interface

Step by Step Guide

Step 1. Register an account using my referral link >>> Start Playing & Earn Daily! 

Step 2. Deposit USDT from your personal Crypto Wallet (Binance, Huobi, Kucoin, Tronlink) into Neko-Inu wallet using TRC20 network address only

Purchase a pet of the value you are comfortable with. All Prices are in USDT. 

Sample image of deposit address
List of Pets available

Step 3. Now you have a pet, there are a total of 5 actions for you to click and complete. Each action increases the pet value by 1%. This step is important as you are advised to complete all actions to obtain 5% increased in pet value. Interval between each action is 2 minutes.

Step 4. Sell your pet every 12 hours. Your pet will then be in marketplace for other players to buy. The selling process may take some time from 0-60 minutes depending on the availablity of other players that are buying in the market.

Step 5. Please note that your pet earnings will be release only if you buy another pet first. Therefore, you need to ensure you have sufficient USDT in your Neko-Inu wallet in order to buy another pet. Example, You sell 200 USDT pet, in order to get the earnings from this pet, you have to buy another pet before the earnings will be reflect in your account. This is how the game works.  

Step 6. Repeat the process every 12 hours to earn your 6% interest daily!! Once you accumulate at least 50 USDT in your account, you can start withdrawing to your Crypto wallet!

ROI Breakdown

Step 7. Withdraw USDT from Neko-Inu Global to your own Crypto Wallet similarly like Step 2. by pasting your Crypto Wallet’s address into your Neko Inu account.

Note: Minimum withdrawal is set at 50 USDT with transaction fee of 5% and the whole process will take 48 hours before your Crypto Wallet receive the USDT. You can try out withdrawal of 50 USDT for the first time

 Beginner Notes

1. Account creation is free so why not signing up to explore the website on your own! Start owning a pet as low as 50 USDT now. If you are skeptical, you can purchase a 50 USDT pet to start earning 6% income daily compared to Axie Infinity 🙂

Click here to create account!

2. All new account starts with 1 pet slot. To unlock more pet slots (total 6), you will need to have referrals.

Example: 5 direct referrals = Unlock 2 more pet slots (3 slots), 50 direct referrals = Unlock 3 more pet slots (4 slots), etc.

3. Min withdrawal is 50 USDT with transaction fee of 5%. The process will take about 48 hours for your USDT to reflect in your Crypto wallet.

4. Once you buy a higher tier pet, you cannot downgrade to buy lower tier pet. 

Example: You purchase a 300 USDT pet, you are not allow to purchase a lower pet value of 300 USDT in your subsequent purchases.

5. Ensure your account wallet have sufficient USDT to buy your next pet.

Example: You purchase a 50 USDT pet to start, you need to deposit at least 105 USDT in your account. Always multiply the pet amount by 2.1 times.

6. Stand a chance to win JACKPOT daily at 7pm GMT +8! You may be the lucky winner! 


7. There is a weekly Q&A Zoom session conducted by Neko Inu Global staff to address your doubts.

I hope you appreciate my personal sharing. Let’s play & earn together!

Personal Discord:

Telegram Group/Community:

Press Release: MarketWatch Site

Common Questions:
Q: Who is behind this?
A: It is a global joint venture between a Hong Kong consortium and casino in Cambodia with the support of an international digital platform, Lemon Game.
Q: How does the company earn money?
A: Besides the 2% that they deduct from the 5 actions, they also charge a 5% withdrawal fee each time a withdrawal is made from their platform to your own crypto wallets. So for a withdrawal of 100 USDT, you will receive 95 USDT.
Q: How long does withdrawal takes?
A: Within 48 hours.
Q: Can I stop playing the game and cash out my capital anytime I want?
A: Yes you can but there will be a penalty if you account is not more than 3 months old.
0-30 days, 30% of pet money will be returned.
31-60 days, 50% of pet money will be returned.
61-90 days, 70% of pet money will be returned.
91 days onwards, 100% of pet money will be returned.
Players must send a request to and it takes 15 working days to process all closing of accounts.
Q: How do I know this is not a scam?
This could very well be which is why please do your own research and decide if you are able to tolerate the nature of the investment and stomach the loss of your capital in return for the potential returns.

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